How it Works
Digital marketing not only cuts down on paper/packaging costs, it has the benefits of measurability, immediate processing, and instant follow-up.
Because digital marketing can be confusing, we have laid out 3 steps to explain how WebDirect works.
We work with what your nonprofit already has. Whether your nonprofit has a website, social media, blog, etc. or is starting from scratch, WebDirect will meet you there.
WebDirect wants to make your nonprofit’s brand as well-known as possible. WebDirect uses multiple channels throughout our high-traffic networks to collect names, email addresses, one-time gifts, and / or necessary responses for your nonprofit.
Once WebDirect meets your nonprofit where it is, we immediately execute the plans and campaigns to help you build donors and donor loyalty.
Though it is not as simple as that, we work hard at providing the outcome that you want. We have the experience, and we know how to make it easiest for you to produce the best possible results for your organization.
What Makes us Different
There are hundreds of digital marketing companies to choose from. But WebDirect understands nonprofits and the challenges that most face. With over 30 years of marketing and development experience, we know the intricacies of returns on advertising investments, (“involving” donors rather than selling to them), and creating campaigns that speak to particular needs.
The fact is that virtually any ad firm can execute advertising design and media buying. This is assuming that price, conversions, and/or profitability are not a concern. But in the nonprofit world, it is a far more complicated task to gain a return on an organization’s advertisement investment.
WebDirect can further reach new potential donors and constituents by using dynamic content that reaches a variety of prospects. We also understand how to execute campaigns that reflect a donor’s personal preferences. Instead of simply trying to sell a cause, our goal is for donors to better “connect” (become more deeply involved) to your nonprofit’s cause.
The bottom line of what makes WebDirectAdverstising different is this: WebDirect has the technology, the relationships, the buying power, and the creative expertise. But our specialty is performance-based marketing strategies that connect donors with worthy causes.